Sunday, May 02, 2004

Meme Watch - America is bad

First off, I believe in America and the American way of doing things. I'm a free markets kind of guy and would be pleased if absolutely EVERYTHING was open to a free and open marketplace. In this meme-watch, Id like to examine the prevalent, recurring meme (as opposed to a single, fading meme) that America, on a global scale equals domination, corruption and greed. This meme is affecting our markets in the terrorism/fear bid that surfaces in safe havens at the slight hint of geopolitical discord. Therefore it is important to develop a thesis about the meme and apply it to our trading methodology.

Here is what I feel the big secret is about "The America is Bad" meme. I always ask myself the question "As opposed to what?"......As opposed to Saddam? Nope. As opposed to the EU? The ever-capitulating, ever transient polices of the EU? Nope. As opposed to the Spanish Socialists? I'm not even going to answer that. As opposed to Putin? I think he has his own issues. America isn't bad, America is a mirror. America lets you see what happens under the covers whether you like it or not......And here is the big pitch, the big irony of this whole meme......It goes on EVERYWHERE, all the time, in all forms of badness. No one is immune, no country rules or governs better than the other....It is all messy, ugly, and insults the sensibilities. America is the ultimate victim of its' freedom. BUT THAT DOES NOT MAKE IT BAD.

This is why when we get these panic selloffs because of this meme, we should buy the weakness with both hands. Because the reality of it is, while we may seem bad for the moment, most realists examine the situation and realize that there isn't anything better than American freedom, which is why even though selloffs are bleak and the bears wring their hands. Dollars ultimately come back to the American markets. Always have, and always will until there is a better form of freedom. I wont hold my breath, and neither should you.

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