Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Trading Track - Uneasy relief

I really don't like what the general markets meme likes these days. I ask myself all they time why I feel different about it but I cant seem to work it through. Yesterday, the Fed came out and said that they were not raising right now, but that that they may act soon and in small "measured" levels. Meaning they would start tightening in .25 or .50 bp moves over a protracted period of time. The markets liked this because, while they don't like higher rates, they favor a slow, inch by inch approach.

I continue to wonder why the market feels this way. I wonder why we are paying attention at all until the fec gets to 2.5 or 3!!! That would put us in the mid range. For those of you counting, that would mean the Fed will need to do FOUR tightenings at .50 or EIGHT tightenings at .25! Eight tightenings would last two years using this approach. Even THEN we would still only be at a nominal FF rate. I don't think that the world is going to wait this long and the forces of inflation will creep up on the Fed and overwhelm it.

This says two things to me....Change the stock strategy, and wait for higher rates because they are right around the corner. Inflation isn't in check folks, and just because the government says that food, gas and general services costs are not part of inflation doesn't mean that the consumer doesn't get hit.


Indexes - Still dormant here. Cant game a 10,000 to 11,000 range on the Dow when you are in the middle of it.

Individual Stock - Commodity recovery seems to be taking on some steam. Steep recovery in PD and a slight one in AA. CHRT getting hit but I remain steady on it and am looking to buy more at 3.5 if I get the chance. CMCSA recovering nicely after they dropped the Disney bid. About to go positive on CMCSA. Nice gain and holding in Estee Lauder. Going to liq it soon. EMC still down but inching back. Jury is still out on this one.

Bonds - Had a setback on a new CMO I was purchasing, had to bust the trade. Now have more FX cash than I'd like. Trying to hold out for a nice 5% muni. Going to wait as long as I can before the income picture starts to bother me. Gave up on trying to do a Treasury. Rather buy a muni instead.

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