Thursday, May 06, 2004

Meme Watch - Inflation - Again

I'm getting very concerned about the future for growth in the stock market. Although a healthy dose of human nature should cure the condition, I feel like once interest rates ACTUALLY start rising, everyone is going to loose their heads. We have not even had ONE FED TIGHTENING, and everyone is acting like this is the end of things for stocks. What happens when things actually start going up and stay up? Its like watching a junkie wean off crack.

How do we play this? I've got some good sized bets on raw materials, cable, tech, and ad spending for medium term turns in stocks, and I'm starting to nibble at some bonds again. As yields perk up, there are some good deals in the "slightly under 20 year" range in munis so I picked some up yesterday with some new dollars from the stock PF. So, in a word, this next stretch in the market is going to be selective stock picking and a migration to better yields.

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