Thursday, April 01, 2004

Keepin' it real.

Ya know...I used to feel like that phrase "Keep it Real" was just a phrase that the MTV crowd was sporting this week. However I'm finding that more and more I am applying it to my trading stance.

"All the numbers are good but the job number!"
Keep it real. The evidence adds up!

"Inflation is going to consume any opportunities in the market"
Keep it real. Nothing is that absolute.

"Iraq is a quagmire and we will never recover!"
Keep it real. A US footprint in the Middle East while we are in the middle of a war on terror is appropriate and expected for security.

Every time you turn on the news and listen to the news...Keep it real and ask yourself one question. Tomorrow, will the story I'm listening to right now affect my life in any way, to any appreciable degree. Usually the answer is no. It is just the networks filling the news cycle. The markets are impacted by emotion but driven by speculation and analysis. Panic creates buying opportunities and nothing else.

So tomorrow. When everyone is over-reacting to the jobs number (up or down) remember to keep it real as to how it impacts your investments.

Is the jobs number really that bad or important when we have an evolving economy, and one of the best employment levels overall? Keep it real!

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