Wednesday, April 21, 2004

FUD - Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt

When I hear someone say "FUD", cash registers ring in my head. Never has there been a better motivator to separate you from your cash. If you are going to trade the market, you have to resist FUD. Youhave to reject it completely. If your trading thesis has been established, and over the course of the day the market takes you into never-never land, you resist FUD impulses. If every economic indicator points to recovery, but the jobs number wont budge, you resist FUD impulses and buy......and when the Fed Gov starts talking and the weak hands start go on vacation...completely rejecting FUD.

Right now is the time to be looking at this market for the earnings growth, the snappy balance sheets, and most importantly the "buzz". Will the Fed raise rates sooner than later? I say Yes. Will the markets hate this idea...absolutely. Will the weak hands sell off, creating an opportunitiy? As sure as the sun will shine. I say "Step up and participate in the market here. You are buying the begining of a recovery and historically that has been a great time to either buy and hold OR trade."

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