Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Living with the weak and feeble.

Man, never is it more evident that weakness and fear rules the markets than when Mr. Greenspan speaks. Today was a doozy. The guy just hints at the fact that interest rates could go up without much pain and the markets sell off in a panic. The logic here is that higher interest rates are bad for stocks.

What all the weak-willed, moral relativists are forgetting is that we are currently sitting at historically low interest rate levels! The Fed could raise the Fed Funds rate almost two whole points (they tend to do things in quarters or half points) and only be at even when it comes to historic rate levels. So why the sell off if the boys move the FF rate a half point in June? Why? Fear, and weak hands.

Now is the time to be buying.....we have a long way to go once everyone wakes up and realizes that we are merely at the beginning of a glorious US expansion. So go ahead sucker...sell that stock....Im waiting over here to buy it cheap and sell it back to you 20% higher when you get over your lack of rationality.

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