Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Trading Track - Range Bound starting to move to upside

The PFs are pretty stable in here. I have a raw material, advertising, cable/entertainment, tech, mix going on and the current action keeps it pretty steady in the middle. I'm looking for an upside break past earnings on economic news that further supports what we are seeing in earnings. I feel like everyone is looking at the run we had in the beginning of 2004 and saying that we priced great earnings in. They seem to forget the slow painful Naz selloff, but that's okay.

- Index - Still holding the Q long trying to get out at the 2080 level. No Diamonds or IShares positions.
- Individual Stock Highlights - Not much trading action. Waiting for my big PD bet to start moving higher on realization of the shortage in copper. My HAL position is finally rocketing higher. People need to realize that HAL earns their money the hard way and is a great American institution. Can't figure out the DD position. 25% increase in earnings and they sell it off. Not like they ran it up to high to begin with.
- Bonds - Unwinding the inverse floaters....Moving some of the principal into the 10 year above 4.50 (still waiting). Sniffing around for good Muni yields.

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