Friday, April 02, 2004

Jobs Number Confirms Thesis

308,000 new jobs.....Ill bet Bush has collapsed with joy. Not to mention the fact that he is now NOT going to create 0 net jobs during his term....

What a huge number this is. It tells me that our preserverance and attention to our vision has paid off and we are indeed on the track I outlined in earlier posts. This big of a number also implies that the last two horrible, stink-o numbers were indeed wrong. We even have 100,000 plus revisions of those numbers as well. Needless to say this drastically changes the bear thesis, dramatically hurts the Democrats chances of winning the election, and rewards those of us who had to sit and take the ridicule that we were dreaming about the growth going on in the economy.

10 Year to 4.5 by Year End....5 by mid 2005
Fed Raise of 3/4 point to a full point by year Year End
Stair step pattern in the Dow to 11,000 by year end.

Even a bad jobs number isn't going to shake this level of growth next month. Onward and Upward from here folks! Look at the markets today, they are not even over-reacting to the number. Nice and orderly, but moving higher. Watch for a huge short squeeze on the open. So much of a squeeze that Ill bet we squeeze all the way up to higher triggers and then go even higher!

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