Thursday, December 18, 2008

Sailing to Fort Lauderdale

More Final Cut Pro madness from my trip around the tip of Florida to Fort Lauderdale. During this trip I was able to watch the Jets beat the Patriots from about 150 miles offshore. It was awesome! Both watching the Jets beat the Pats an actually being in the middle of the Gulf.

Look how bad business is on Key West Bight!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Doesn't this all seem very convenient?

Generally, Im not a conspiracy theorist.  While I find conspiracy interesting to read about in non-fiction, I am mostly reluctant to believe such balderdash BEFORE it has been exposed.  However what is currently happening to the US Financial System, and indeed the Global Financial System is strangely scripted as if someone or something is trying to make us all "think" that financial armageddon is around the corner.

I know, Im going to get email about the Illuminati, and the Carlisle Group et al, but lets just take a look at what is going on.  More financial services/bank failures than ever before.  The brink of insolvency for a mainstay American industry (Autos).  And now we have Bernard Madoff with an actual Ponzi scheme the likes of, and size we have never seen (50 Billion!).  Do you know where the word "Ponzi Scheme" came from?  The Great Depression of the 1930s, when a guy named Ponzi started a pyramid scheme to take money from investors without actually investing their money.  Its like some evil Roxie Rockefeller is trotting actors out onto our screens like some sort of a sick, theatrical version of Atlas Shrugged.  And it is all happening at lightning speed.

Why is this happening so fast and with such sequenced fervor?  It all seems to be going off according to the script and I dont like it one bit.  Any time things seem "perfect" whether good or bad, something is afoot and we need to be wary of it.  Remember, being "wary" sometimes means saying put, instead of panicking out, of assets.  Things are very different now than they were in the 1930s.  The things that worked then (money under the mattress, gold) more than likely will NOT work this time around.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Solution to the Failure of GM and the Auto Makers

I think we should solve the problem of the auto industry by creating a Silicon Valley for auto making.  GM, Ford, and other troubled auto makers should take a "packaged bankruptcy" that allows the pensions and healthcare of GM workers to be separated from the company into a government administered trust.  This will take care of the innocent bystanders of this failure of an industry and keep them out of the fray.

Then, GM should be broken up into smaller companies that produce the components of the cars they "used" to build in house.  These smaller companies would be on their own and structured to operate within their cash flow.  Their job would be to continue to produce a component of the car manufacturing process. 

In conjunction with the break up, the Government should create a stimulus package for the Detroit area incenting entrepreneurs to create small car companies using the components produced by the old GM operating companies.  This could foster growth similar to the growth we saw in Silicon Valley (Hardware manufacturing giving way to software development giving way to web development, et al).   Companies like Tesla and others could create their own ecosystems out of the carcass of the old GM.  This ultimately would save more GM jobs and put more ex-auto workers back to work than any auto industry bail out would.

Ultimately the real winners would be the US.  Because we will have created a sustainable, grow-able ecosystem of automobile making once again.  Opening up avenues for the entrepreneur to thrive or fail on his or her own merits while saving what is best about our current auto industry as the foundation for the next phase of growth.

The auto companies put the lid on growth for all these years.  Entrepreneurs like Tucker, and others were crushed by their need to maintain the status quo.  It makes sense that a new, more sustainable industry should grow from it's own ashes.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Jets FTW Belated Blog Post

Taken 150 miles offshore in the Gulf of Mexico while watching the Jets Beat the Patriots on Satellite TV. God Bless Technology

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Playing a classic fade setup

Every time a party obtains a majority in the House, Senate, and the Oval Office the markets behave a particular way. Creating a classic run up into a fade. The blog post explains my comments made following the Obama victory and the ensuing market action the next day.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Nike+ Where are my Nike+ Runners?

'I'm trading the range!' and Obama's gonna win, you know its true!

My first video blog post. Much easier than typing this stuff out! Stream of consciousness baby!

In this post we talk about how to trade a crappy market like this, who I think is going to win the election, and a new service from ReadyTechs!

Let me know what you think @ethigent (twitter) or send me an email at

Monday, October 20, 2008

Summer 2008 Video

Every year I clean out the hard drive on my cam corder. This is what results.

Friday, October 17, 2008

My Strategy for Managing the Downturn

Those of you who know me, know I love managing.  Im a management freak.  I enjoy creating and extending efficiency and go to great lengths to establish legitimacy in areas I consider important.  So when the economic climate drastically changes in a compressed period of time, I try to recognize it early and act with great care.

Here we are.  October 2008 with a complete lockup in credit markets, a plummeting stock market, and a generally terrified business climate.  How does a business survive this crisis in tact?  I don't think there is a clear cut answer to this question, but I can tell you what Im doing to be the best steward of my company's future I can be.

Three First Steps

First, remember history.  When you look at financial crisis points of the past, you find that knee-jerk reactions are responsible for setting the stage for eventual failure.  Essentially putting the nail in the coffin too early.  You have to avoid the impulse to act too quickly when you see the danger signs come up on your radar.  I prefer to advocate a "surround and strangle" approach to problem points affecting the organization.

Strategy one:  

If you must act, address the issue confronting your organization and act within that context.  

Example:  If you loose revenue due to client defaults, and must cut in your organization, find the most common elements within the client defaults and start there.

Second, change the way you look at financing your organization.  If I said that I have a way to run a company without the need for credit; Id have a gold mine on my hands.  However that is exactly what small and mid-sized business must do in order to give themselves a fighting chance to survive.  In my company, I have instituted a company savings plan.  We are raising cash to create a multi-month expense buffer, and as an organization will not spend dollars on anything but essential costs until our goal is reached.  To ensure this ongoing, we have also instituted controls that allow for the maintenance of this savings buffer should we have to use it at any point.

Strategy two:  

Creating the ability to self-finance through lean times retains equity and creates a strong foundation.

Added Win :  This number can generate a hefty interest payment.  Establish a separate fund for interest retention and spend it on over the top expenses should you need it.

Third, your clients and your vendors are gold.  Treat them that way.  Right now business must stick together.  If you aren't a public, massively scaled organization, you are dependent on other businesses for your work and revenue stream, and are therefore vulnerable to a cascading stream of business defaults.  While this may seem out of your control, information gathering isn't.  Make it the business of everyone in your organization to know your customer and collaborate about the status of those customers.  In other words, communicate, communicate, communicate.

Strategy three:

Know your customers even better.

Added Win:  Customers deserve, and should always get as much attention as you can give them.  Done correctly, this strategy pays off at both levels.


There are no silver bullets, and anything can happen really.  However assuming an even playing field and a strong hand on your organizational metrics, you can manage revenue downturns, key vendor failures, and staff contractions better with an incremental and focused approach.  The primary goal should be to get as early insight into potential problems as possible, act within the context of the issue, and ensure that you have the ability to meet your obligations while this is occurring.  As long as you can maintain this level of legitimacy, you can survive to fight (and earn) another day.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Fear of Palin (Someone on the left has "Mom" issues)

I can always tell when the left gets worried about something.  There is an almost immediate influx of stories at the top of Digg (what that says about people "gaming" Digg is something else).  It happens without fail.  It is almost like a sub conscious achilles heel that they can't contain. Their "politically bottled" rage boils over in a subversive flurry of disinformation and snide snipping at small personal defects.

Take Governor Palin's clear victory in the debates on Thursday night.  The next day (and days following) you saw headlines like this:
  • Fox News: Palin Won VP Debate Because She Had A Bigger Flag Pin
  • Palin's Tax Return Mystery:  Where Are The Per Diems?
  • Palin's Web Ad Cites Thumbs Up From 'Famous Person'
  • McCain's Big Gamble Comes Up Snake Eyes
You get the idea.  Every one of these stories slammed the Governor with everything from her manner of dress, to her "mom-like demeanor", to utter tirades aimed at her inexperience.  The anger is arrogant, and smells like pretentiousness.  One of these stories came very close to exposing the Author's own hatred of his mother (and women) in a way that clearly indicated that a Therapist is in his near future.  The amalgam of this din of anger reveals that several small blog sites (Huffington Post, The Daily Kos, ThinkProgress, et al) generate the majority of this buzz.  Anyone who is at all casually involved with Social News knows this.  Yet it seems too coordinated to be done independently.

That said, chalk one up for the Republicans.  They have successfully positioned someone who reflects the values and views of a new emergent voting contingent....The (random kid sportMom.  While it sounds trivial, it is quite extensive.  Moms vote, span race and cultural bounds, and there are a lot of them.  The constant slamming of her by the Digerati only confirms to this large voting block that "Women Have To Endure More Than Men To Get To The Top.".  This ultimately solidifies their position and creates unity.  You know?  The same unity these Digerati-like blogs feel as they rail against the Bush Administration. 

I feel like we have found the first "muck-raking immune" voting strain.  It seems the more you dig up on Palin, the more moms rush to her defense.  It almost feeds on the bad news.  I don't know about you, but I find that beautiful.  The media colors our view of events too often; and too often they are completely unqualified to give us that type of a viewpoint.  Being able to overcome their veil of disinformation is perhaps the most powerful thing I have ever seen.

The Obama Campaign now has a huge issue.  Something completely unexpected, and something that has them unsettled and reeling.  This is perhaps most clearly identified by Mr. Obama's complete lack of reference to Palin in any of his recent speeches (with the exception of a few "small time" jabs off the cuff).  How do you defeat an enemy that can not be skewered publicly?  I say you can't; and it is going to be a wonderful thing to watch how they defend against it.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Fear of the Unknown

I am sitting at my workstation aghast.  I simply can not believe that with the world insisting that the US Government act to curb the spreading credit contagion, that our government can not get past partisanship to create forward momentum.  This in the face of a complete shutdown of the credit system.  They simply let the bill die.  The US Government is fiddling while the entire economic system is on life support.  I have never been more ashamed, of the inaction and the morass of our political system.

So now we are into the unknown.  I liken it to the feeling one must feel when one finally jumps off a bridge to end their life.  There must be point where the din, and commotion of the world just disappears into the whisper of the wind running past your ears; and you wonder what comes next.  You are sure you are going to hit bottom eventually, but know you will never know what it feels like.   Mostly because no-one ever comes back to tell you.

My readers, we have just been pushed off the bridge by our own representatives.  No one really knows what comes next.  I follow about 20 different Wall Street and Banking analysts and none of them have any idea what happens to the credit markets without an implied US Government backstop.  This should worry every one of us.  We are perpetually going to be waiting for the other shoe to drop, mostly because no one knows where this all will end.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Our Moment is Here

Here is my position on our current economic situation as a nation, circa 2008.  The relief package currently before Congress is a bailout of the debt underlying the real estate we ALL participated in for years.  It is OUR problem, not some amorphous Wall Street character with a cigar and a Rolls Royce.  We ALL participated in the demise, and we ALL have to clean it up to maintain global economic legitimacy.  

I know.  It sucks, but the damned Buick is gonna get repo-ed if we don't go to the credit counsellor right now!!!  As a country.  We have to own this crisis and put a lid on it immediately.

I run a business and actively trade in the bond and equity markets.  I am a capitalist in the truest sense of the word.  It is one of the only things in my life that I can say I truly personify.  So trust me when I say that I am all for free and open markets.  But lets face it, all this growth?  All these excesses we have seen on every "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous"-like show, that we secretly love to watch and attempt to emulate in our ever so personal ways?  All these things were courtesy of the credit we got drunk on for years.  WE ALL PARTICIPATED IN SOME WAY, and it is incumbent on us to contain, if not fix, this problem.

I like to think I get to see our economy in a very broad view, and I am adamant that without the US government making good on the mess that it's citizenry created, the world will see massive disconnections in inter bank, and more-so inter country credit.  Mostly due to eroding faith in the US Economic system which has long been the hub for the origination of credit and credit instruments.  This impacts EVERYONE, and the effect will be incredibly painful deflation of the value of every US asset available.  We will literally go backwards in time.  Main Street, Wall Street, hide your head in the sand ideo-logue (Republican leadership, shame on you) - street, no one will be spared.  You need credit to buy a car, send your kid to college, buy a house, basically, live your life.  It will be financial stasis, like a financial coma.  Look....its really going to suck if we don't do this.  For everyone.

Please call and urge your Representatives and Senators now and urge them to overcome the ideological gridlock and pass an appropriately sized Economic Relief package immediately!!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Eulogy for Robert Baker - Rest In Peace Bob.

My father in law died recently.  He was an outstanding man and a great example of hard work and fortitude.  Below is my tribute to him.

Edwin Arlington Robinson (1869–1935).
The Pilot

FROM the Past and Unavailing
Out of cloudland we are steering:
After groping, after fearing,
Into starlight we come trailing,
And we find the stars are true.
Still, O comrade, what of you?
You are gone, but we are sailing,
And the old ways are all new.

For the Lost and Unreturning
We have drifted, we have waited;
Uncommanded and unrated,
We have tossed and wandered, yearning
For a charm that comes no more
From the old lights by the shore:
We have shamed ourselves in learning
What you knew so long before.

For the Breed of the Far-going
Who are strangers, and all brothers,
May forget no more than others
Who looked seaward with eyes flowing.
But are brothers to bewail
One who fought so foul a gale?
You have won beyond our knowing,
You are gone, but yet we sail.

I found this poem from the Late 1800s to be quite a fitting tribute to Bob. It speaks of an unnamed Pilot. A pilot whose job it was to keep those in his charge safe from the ravages of the unrelenting sea. Now, after his passing they must carry on using the knowledge he passed down as a guide; knowledge that, while not immediately clear, comes to the writer as his experience demands it. And he realizes the Pilot was right all along.

We have tossed and wandered, yearning
For a charm that comes no more
From the old lights by the shore:
We have shamed ourselves in learning
What you knew so long before.

Bob always seemed to know that things work themselves out. He would always describe for me the long view and forever kept the best interests of those around him close to his heart. He was a Pilot in the truest sense of the word. He didn’t need a title, and he didn’t need to get a salute, he just needed to be heard.  

I listened to Bob for over 20 years. He used to tell me that I was too serious, and wondered why I would look so hard to see the difficulty in life. But it is only now that I realize that Bob knew that in the end, all we have is each other. In this way Bob lived his life. An example of steadfast resolve and the virtue of holding on to one’s principles.  

When I first met Bob, I will admit, I was trying to impress him. I loved his daughter with such a deep desire, I would have said and done almost anything to make him like me. As I spoke with him for the first time he could see I was looking for something we could have a common ground on. Bob saw this and put his hand on my shoulder and said “Every one of Leanne’s “friends” comes over here and tries to make himself look good. Tell me what YOU like Gerry.” So I did. For three hours. I talked about politics and World War 2 history (one of Bob’s favorite subjects). I felt at ease.

So today I look at that as my job; my final tribute to the man who continually told me to calm down and relax. Bob would want nothing more than for all of you to be at ease, and remember him for the way he helped smooth out the rough edges in our all to consuming lives. When you leave here today, and go home, sit down and watch a good movie, read a book, spend time with your children or perhaps enjoy a glass of wine. Our pilot knew what we do not. That life is too short, and that there is no time for all the complications we manufacture in our heads. Only the time you spend making others feel comfortable and at ease.

One who fought so foul a gale?
You have won beyond our knowing,
You are gone, but yet we sail.

Friday, August 29, 2008

The battle has been joined - No Way, No How, No-Bama!

I just got done watching Barak Obama's speech to the Democratic National Convention.  I am speechless, but I have to admit, I should have seen this coming.  I followed Barak for quite a while on his bid to become the nominee, and even went to a few of his events.  I listened to him quite a bit as he felt his way around trying to develop his platform.  Last night, he let that platform, his thoughts about the future of our nation, and the most importantly the platform of the Democratic National Party out of the bag.

As a true capitalist.  Someone who relies on no-one but myself and the companies I form to make a living.  Im insulted, angry, and disillusioned.  Am I scared?  No way.  Will I fight?  Absolutely, with every last breath and dollar I have.  The Democrats must not be allowed to win this election with this kind of lunacy at the forefront.

We have China, a country with no environmental laws, child labor restrictions, corporate governance, or business rules of any kind nipping at our heels.  America is about to lose her position as the top economy in the world and we have a major party talking about...... Letting everyone off the competitive hook.  Not on my watch Democrats.  You will not redistribute my income, you and your political correctness can just check it all at the door. 

I know that they cant just come right out and say it, but the Democrats would like to see a Socialist America.  Lets just face it!  Not one of the the things said last night had anything to do with restoring America's ability to compete in the global economy.  They have everything to do with creating a government that "does it for you".  A government that will be larger, and one that penalizes independence and success in business.  I have no doubt that income redistribution is part of the plan, but thats just way too insidious to talk about at a national convention, so it is veiled in phrases that reference "giving back', and helping those who cant help themselves.  Honestly, do we really think the Democrats are going to cast a net that just gives out money and help to anyone?  When you listen to Barak, it certainly seems so.

For me the most telling moment came right at the beginning.  When they had the auto worker come out and talk about how George Bush let his friends jobs go overseas.  The sad irony of that being that the CLINTON administration signed NAFTA.  The agreement that sent those jobs overseas.  Now, this guy gets up on national TV and blames George Bush.  Once again though, I should not be surprised, Disinformation is the tool of the Socialist.

At this point Im done giving the Democrats and Barak the benefit of the doubt.  The battle has been joined, and I just enlisted.

Monday, August 11, 2008

iPhone Hell Redux

What a great ending to my iPhone hell story.....

After posting my recent description of the account loop I was in at AT&T, I received a twitter and a call from AT&T.  Seems the right people read my story and they were more than eager to help me with my problem (names spared to avoid any issues since the last guy who helped me at AT&T got fired).  Within days I was able to get my iPhone and account straightened out.  I still dont think I have the "mark" removed from the account since no one said they were doing that.  But I was able to finally cancel the new phone number I got at the launch and thankfully keep the phone number I have been using for years.  

To quote the guys in the AT&T store.  "Wow, I have seen a lot of problems, but I REALLY feel sorry for you."  I guess that says it all.  Problem solved.  Thanks for listening AT&T.  There are some very savvy people on your staff (how often do you hear THAT?).

Monday, August 04, 2008

My Own Personal iPhone 3G Hell

I'm writing this for a couple of reasons:

1.  Personal Therapy - I feel like I should "get it out", because the resentment and dissatisfaction are immense.
2.  Im so tired of explaining it - The debacle that is the relationship between Apple and AT&T is just awe inspiring in it's magnitude.

So here goes.....

I, too was wooed by the next version of the iPhone, the iPhone 3G.  The first iPhone rollout went so well from an "in-store" perspective that I have to admit that I kind of looked forward to hanging out in line with my fellow gear junkies.  Discussing the latest goodness that the Willie Wonka of Silicon Valley, Steve Jobs was about to bestow on us.  I should have known that soon, things would go horribly wrong....when everyone started talking about how you can't leave the store without an activated iPhone.

I have to admit.  I recalled immediately the problem that was "activation" on the first iPhone.  You see, I have an unfortunate affliction.  I have been branded by AT&T as being somewhere in between a personal account and a business account from when I was converted from Cingular.  For some reason, the account I have is coded with some sort of code that has become a mark on my very sanity.  If I want to keep my existing phone number, I have to put up with the inevitable, gut wrenching "Is your account a business account?" from the AT&T minion helping me at the time.  The very phrase gives me chills.

But I digress.  I assure you, the above is very relevant to my story.  

As the line moves forward, trouble began almost immediately.  The once smiling Apple staff handing out bottles seemed to become a bit agitated.  Trouble was "abrewin'" at the head of the line.  But still we had high hopes.  It all started going south when a female senior Apple staffer started walking up and down the line asking everyone if they had a business account.  Seems if you had a business account to convert, you had to go to an AT&T store.  We found this out after having waited for about four hours.  I admit I thought about telling her about my affliction.  My brand, my scarlet letter that had created so many problems for setting up new devices.  But I could not believe she would have understood.  No one understands....not even the people who are supposed to.

I don't know why I didn't get out of the line right there.  The first iPhone launch had me purchase a new iPhone with a new number and then convert later.  This worked okay, so I figured I could do the same in the store.  I waited the remaining two hours and got to the head of the line.  I walked up to the desk, chose the white one, and the process began.  I could feel a chill forming at the base of my spine.  Like the one you get when you are trying to buy alcohol while under age?  When the clerk is checking your ID?  "Please don't ask, please don't ask." I panted as the "Genius" entered my activation information.  Then it came....the moment still brings a shudder....."Is this a business account?" knees gave way and I feel down on the hard brushed aluminum floor.  Just kidding, but I did start to sweat.

Thus began my latest hell.....

After two hours of arguing with the woman who told me I couldn't wait in line with a business account accusing me of having a business account  (I felt like a leper); and a long stint at the AT&T office upstairs in the mall, I left with a new iPhone 3g with a new phone number.  I figured, Ill just wait a few days, convert the account and drop the new phone number.  I mean, even the AT&T store manager, Bill Hickman agreed that my account was a personal one and should have been honored.  Curse you...oh evil AT&T mark.....

Then it began....

Bill Hickman told me to come back in a few days, and he would do the conversion.  So I did...but Bill had been fired.  Maybe because he was doing these conversions?  Even though the problem was poor account coding by AT&T's database administrators?  If so, shame on you AT&T....Bill was the only staff member who even acted like he gave a crap.

Now, in addition to my brand, my cursed brand, I am now a criminal in the eyes of AT&T for going around their strict system.  I call AT&T and they tell me I have to go into an Apple store to return the phone and get a new phone.  I go to the Apple store and the staffer tells me that if he does that, my account code "brand" will potentially leave me with no phone at all.   I truly can not break from the cycle.  It is the very definition of hell considering that I actually like my iPhone and want to use it without having to forward calls from my old iPhone to this new one.

Seems the only way to truly break free is to give up my phone number, but frankly, I resent the fact that an account coding issue that happened when AT&T was converting the Cingular customer database has to cause me to change out a phone number I have been using for over 5 years!  So the fight continues.  Can you help?  Please email me at if you can and perhaps someday I will be delivered from the bondage of the mark that AT&T has branded me with.  

Monday, July 07, 2008

I Love A Good Conspiracy on Cawfee Tawk....the great Oil Price Conspiracy of the 2008 Election.  The precipitous rise in the price of oil looks a lot like the turmoil created in the British Pound when, noted "Liberal Guerilla" George Soros almost singlehandedly took down the world's currency markets.  Giving rise to the idea that the rise in Oil is part of a "vast left wing agenda" to destabilize the world's energy markets in order to affect deep change in global ecological environment issues.   In addition, this "timed turmoil" creates a "foundation of collusion" for a Democrat Presidential win as the Democrats  hold our nose to the energy crisis by blocking efforts to drill in Anwar or the far Continental Shelf.


Sunday, June 15, 2008

New Running Shoe Update

I just got some new running shoes from Nike. They are the 
Nike Free + line. The whole concept behind it centers around a new idea that
running barefoot is better for your feet than shoes with various
support options.

After my first run in them I have to say I agree. Overall I had to
get used to the lack of arch support, but once I adjusted, I noticed I
was striking the ground much more effectively for my muscles. Really
cool. It actually feels like you are running barefoot. You can
stretch your toes out and grab the surface. More as I run in them.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Barak Obama is NOT an agent for change but a vessel for the same Democrat nonsense that keeps losing them elections..

For some time now, I have been considering the idea of supporting Barak Obama.  I too feel like it is time for a change in America, and wanted very much to believe that Mr. Obama could bring a new form of leadership to Washington.  A new form of leadership that would ultimately help our government evolve from the decided morass of deadlock it is right now.  I was also swayed by friends who I respected tremendously who were advocating hard for Barak Obama.  

After having looked at his platform, and his public speeches, I have to say that I am ultimately dismayed at what I am finding.  I started this research eight months ago after having heard Mr. Obama speak at a small gathering in New York City.  I was initially attracted to his want to embrace technology, by producing an actual Technology Platform Plank.  This was all I ever wanted from a candidate, replete with a "CTO of the United States-like role".  This, combined with his amazing ability to speak with vision and compassion seriously swayed me.  

I am writing this blog post as someone who WANTED to believe.  I even went out of my way to ignore the fact that he wasn't really saying anything of substance in these meetings .  I chalked it up to the idea that a candidate needs to let his presence develop in a campaign and that coming out too early on issues can be death.

Now I find that Barak Obama is not the agent for change we have all come to see him as.  As his platform evolves and real substance begins to drip from the cracks, we find the same Democratic platform issues wrapped up in the Barak Obama "Lets Change this Thing" fervor.  Mr. Obama's campaign has either been hijacked by the Democrat leadership, or it was simply a vessel for wrapping the same ideas that lost the Dems the election in the successive two elections.  It is all there for us to see:

1.  Raise taxes using an unrealistic standard for the term "wealthy American".  Does anyone NOT want to be thought of as "wealthy"?
2.  Overshoot on healthcare to a level that we kill innovation, and hurt the very people we want to help....the caregivers.
3.  Degrade, threaten, and chastise American business leaders, with no sound grasp of the complexities of actually "doing" business.  Making it almost a given that our best and brightest shy away from running public companies.
4.  Tell everyone that they want to create more jobs, then raise taxes on the very people responsible for creating new jobs.  Small and Entrepreneurial business.
5.  Displaying an unrealistic view of the world's political balance by threatening to open up negotiations with terrorist harboring nations,  advancing unrealistic goals for an Iraqi withdrawal, and dealing with the now-irrelevant United Nations.

There is more, and obviously these are concatenated opinions, but this is the Democrat National Playbook talking, not a "Candidate for Change".  I think you will find that all the circular logic that we got out of Gore, and then Kerry, is now being doctored up to come back to us as "Change for Washington".  Yeah.....I bet.  Change in the form of higher taxes when EVERYONE in America is suffering from the highest inflation in years.  Change in the form of MORE government, not less.  Change in the form of a ham-handed and ill advised rush to overhaul healthcare, creating a fully socialized, de-incentivized system that will bring us not the best and brightest, but the mediocre.  Change in the form of dangerous, sadly naive foreign policy that will have us making deals with those who call us The Great Satan.  

Last, but more importantly, Im disillusioned.  I so wanted to see a true leader in Barak Obama, that I forgot about the real reason someone gets to the top in our political system.  Perception.  Or the idea that it isn't what you say but HOW you say it.  I am disillusioned with those whom I respect.  Those who so fervently support Barak Obama, and blind themselves to the idea that they are supporting a Trojan Horse for the Democrats to employ their social experiment on our nation.  Or perhaps they already know this, and I am the one who is blind.  This can only exacerbate my disillusion and force me to seek an alternative.  I hope you, my reader, will as well.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Why do we blog, twitter, and otherwise syndicate our thoughts?

When you really step back to look at it, "thought syndication" is an interesting phenomenon.  It is the ultimate catharsis of a hidden human psychosis.  The fear of being forgotten.  

Really.  Why would we want to twitter every moment or blog our deepest feelings (or the antithesis of such)?  We want the world to know who we are and what we contribute to the shared human experience.  Isn't that the goal of every human?  To not be insignificant?  To make a meaningful contribution to the mortal coil we find ourselves locked in.

Or is that just people like me?  Does the "blogosphere" or the "tweets" of today represent the true heartbeat of the world?  Or does it simply represent a slightly-narcissistic, type-A, highly opinionated, extremely small group of people who have figured out how to harness an ever growing array of "publishing tools" for their ideas?  Some of us (myself completely included) have figured out how to have an idea pop into our head and have it echo from our brain to Twitter, to our Blog, to our Social Networking profile pages.  

Increasingly, I am beginning to think that our deepest fears are true.  We are alone.  We are simply speaking into the void.  Without action, all of this syndication is meaningless.  Social Network, Web 2.0, whatever buzz word you want to call it today needs to evolve and it needs to become real.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Don't Let Yourself Off The Hook!

Personal Responsibility

Lets just drink that concept in for a moment....what does it mean to you?  I think it would be safe to say that it means different things to different people.   However the general gist of the concept is "The ability to accept the consequences and rewards of one's actions.  The ownership of one's ideas and actions."

People who accept personal responsibility are less likely to give up easily, complete objectives thoroughly, and generally are considered to be the backbone of civilized society.  These people accept the challenges of innovation and reap the rewards of the risks associated with those same challenges.  These people are fully alive, and all you need to do is see the thousands of successful business and political folks as evidence.  Nearly all of them exhibit personal responsibility for their actions (with the exception of those in Hollywood or Network News, where good things happen to bad people all the time). 

The consequence of not accepting personal responsibility is akin to death.  Allowing yourself to get off the hook for your own actions compromises the very spirit that keeps your heart pumping.  And you regress.  You move into a childlike state of denial and acting out against those who exhibit personal responsibility.  People like this generally quit at the first sign of trouble, duplicitously align their actions with many opposing forces, and typically are frustrated with their inability to advance their cause.  Their whole life could change in an instant if they simply had the inclination to own what they create (in any way). 

This self-perpetuating spiral is a strong drug.  The ability to compromise one's spirit affords a malaise that holds people in it's grip for their entire life in some cases.  Their only hope is the very people they rail against.  Those who accept the responsibility to bring them back to reality; back to a life in which every breath is a reaffirmation of their ability to move forward and advance themselves as human beings.  Because in the end, thats all we have.  The ability to connect and expand one's thoughts and actions for posterity.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Am I The Only One Who Sees This?

The 2008 US Presidential Race is really quite a spectacle.  This year I am finding myself more sympathetic to the Democratic candidates.  Particularly Barak Obama.  I really can't say Im a fan yet, but I like the way he is handling this issue going on with his former minister.  He just keeps letting the old man bloviate, while getting to publicly reject all the nonsense. It makes a clear thinking person like myself like him even more.  I am completely unswayed by the Right's position that he is "guilty by association".  If that were true, every Republican out there would be dammed to hell (wait, maybe it IS true).

That said, I think we all have to look at what is happening in the Democratic party, and realize that we are getting a real preview of what a Democratic administration will look like.  Endless, meaningless debate about minutia.  This while the credit contraction squeezes our economy, our economic enemies strengthen their positions on our wealth, and the social fabric in our society continues to tear.  Ever hear the story of Nero fiddling while Rome burned?  The Democrats embody this notion to me.  Barak is at least showing some skill at "tamping down" the emotional raving lunatics that comprise the far left of the Democratic party.

Really though.  While the Republicans simply say nothing (not acceptable), the Democrats endlessly debate.  Either way we get nothing.  No action, and no real solutions.  DRAFT MIKE BLOOMBERG!!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Leanna in Captiva

After a busy season....leanna returns to her regular cruising grounds
on the west coast of Florida. Here she is in Captiva at her favorite
spot. Tween Waters Marina. Just feet from the Gulf.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Thoreau for breakfast

"Most people live lives of quiet desperation, and die with the song still in their hearts."
-  Henry David Thoreau

I love that quote.  I love it because it inspires me to "let it all out" and reach as high and as far as I can.  Because when the day comes that I look back and wonder if I wasted my life or not, I want to be able to say "not a second".  

Even as I type that, I worry that I haven't lived enough of life today, and I have to remind myself that sleeping in front of the television is just as awesome as running a well managed company.  Do what you have to.....but insist on living life on your terms.  It is the only substance you really have in this world.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Starting the ride home

In Fort Laudedale dropping off rental car.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Successful Circumnavigation!

.....of the southern tip of Florida. Back at our home port of Cape
Coral Florida. It was a great trip with a lot of scary moments and a
lot of energizing ones too. We all stepped up to things we didn't
know we could do. Try to get that from the a Hyatt resort.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Off Marco/Cape Romano


I know. This is a picture of the moon. But my iPhone can't seem to
focus on the lights of the coast this far out.

Everything turned pink

Post sunset.

Sunset on the gulf

Sun starting to set

Way out in the middle of nowhere.

Picked up some hitchhikers

About 150 miles offshore. I'll bet they were tired.

Leaving Key West

@ 10:30 am. Expect a 3am arrival in Cape Coral.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Hard Rock Cafe

Last dinner in Key West.

Sweet Key West Ride

Orange with white pokadots. Quite the head turner. At least Sophia
was happy.

Ernie's Place

The venerable Ernest Hemingway's home. Really interesting information
about his life and his adopted home town of Key West.

NOT a place to bring kids. They just aren't as interested in his
four wives or his beautiful yacht Pilar.

The Southernmost Point!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Searching for Hemmingway

A KW landmark

Cheeseburger Cheeseburger

A favorite of ours. And Jared won 15 bucks at bingo today!

The Galleon...finally

Finally a nice big slip. It has been the trip of crappy slips. But
now, the mother of all slips. Two days in Key West to come.

Sophia is in Key West mode

All ready for the pool.

Turtle Kraals

For breakfast! Best in Key West.

Gotta move to the Galleon today. Have 15 kts of wind pinning me to
the dock.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Jared' is Full

......of Fogartys!


Our favorite place in KW. Get the Tex Mex rolls!

Key West! Finally

Check out the wacky way they made me park!!!

Temp slip for today. Moving to the Galleon tomorrow afternoon.

Approaching Key West

I don't think this picture shows it. But trust me, its there.

Playing UNO

Off Sugarloaf Key

7.8 its
12 its of wind

Off Spanish Harbor

Fellow cruiser

Off Marathon

Wind now in the 10-15 range. Much smoother.

The squall

This is what we left in. Taken from behind AFTER it passed us.

Good Riddance Holiday Isle

Left at 7 am. 20 its and a squall. That's how bad we wanted to get

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sophia got her first kiss!!

We are all so proud.  

But really, this was at Theater of the Seas in Islamorada Florida.  If you are in the area.  It is worth the visit.  They truly seem to care quite a bit about showing you wildlife in their own environment.  Great time.

But they had a shark !!!

Tried to stick Jason's head in it. Didn't fit....

Holiday Isle Marina

Good? Not so much. Very old and dirty.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Wing on Wing

Off Tavernier Key. Glorious sailing here!

Off Cape Florida



Off Miami Beach. Making very good time at 7.5 its

Leaving Fort Lauderdale

6:30 am. Off Hallendale Beach

The start of our journey. Heading to Islamorada. Holiday Isle
marina. Woke everyone up at 4:30 am. They still seem happy. School
of 7 dolphins swimming in our wake for an hour now.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I Love My Sailboat

When you get to my age......there aren't a lot of things that make you
simply exclaim "I love that ......" My 2001 Moody 38 is one of those

Sunday, February 03, 2008

OLPCs and Nigerian Spam - Is there a link?

I own a network management company. One of our larger business lines is the Collocation Managed Services space. In this business line, my networking team manages the networks and servers that serve large clustered web sites. We have gotten very good at it over the years and are proud to call quite a few high traffic sites our clients. This makes it very easy to see trends in web site management as they occur.

Recently (early-December-ish) we have seen an amazing rise in the amount of spam coming form Nigeria. These spammers are much more than email spammers (although there are quite a few in this category clogging up our email spam filtering servers). They have more sophisticated tools like bots that create hundreds of user accounts on a site in order to spam the members; or bots that simply query large amounts of information from an eCommerce product database. All are dangerous, and all consume a large amount of our time (blocking subnets, filtering out firewall rules, et al). The one consistent fact is that they are all coming form Nigerian subnets. I think we have blocked so many Nigerian subnets that the entire country must be experiencing the equivalent of an Internet brown out. Because if WE are doing it, then so are most of the providers upstream from us.

The one event that seems to correlate with this onslaught (let me stress that there was a lot of abuse coming from Nigeria before, but not on this magnitude) is the mass release of the OLPC (much to Nigeria). [timeline] [Nigeria Article]

I have no other evidence than the correlation of the two events. However it does seem curious that an influx of cheap, easy to own and run PCs into a location already known for Internet abuse, correlates so closely to a notable increase of the same abuse. Could the OLPC project be off course? Could the rush to provide this clearly life-changing technology actually be creating a negative effect? I can only speculate. If you run a high volume web site, I invite you to email me. Please tell me if you are seeing the same thing. I would also be glad to share my information in aggregate (I cannot reveal any details about the sites we manage) to the OLPC organization. If we as systems professionals are going to do something so clearly good for all of mankind, then it makes sense that we should police and understand the impact of that generous behavior..

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Rudy is Out? When did he get started?

So Rudy is out of the race. America's Mayor, Rudy Giuliani dropped out of the race after a dead heat with Ron Paul at 13% of the vote. Rudy spent MONTHS in Florida, clearly at the urging of some radical strategist who must have done some math wrong. Why would such a well funded and clearly focused guy try such a risky strategy (Ignore Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and only focus on Florida and California).

I have only one answer that I can figure out. Rudy was taking a nice Florida vacation on his contributors he never really intended to win. Did he really intend to win by insulting the two most critical states in the Primary process? I mean, think about it? Rudy is tired, he is getting up there in years. I think he just said...."Hey! I spent all that time dreary NY. Ill just run for President and have a free six week vacation in Florida by trying this radical new political move." Strange? I think not. Stupid? I think we are going to have to see the fallout before we give Rudy the political darwinism award.

In his concession speech he looked tanned, and great contrast McCain looked haggard, tired, and not ready for what is to come. So who really won? McCain? Or Rudy? Makes you wonder.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

My Predictions for 2008

The other day, my son asked me what my predictions for 2008 were. It thought this was kind of funny since he never asked me that before, and I have to admit I was caught off guard. But now that I'm sitting here, I thought I would give it a try. So here we predictions for 2008 on January 6, 2008. I hope I don't make too much of a fool of myself:

1. The Sub-Prime/Alt-A/Prime Mortgage Problem will be twice as bad as it appears today. That is, the amount of bank, and financial institution write-offs globally will be double what it is today (around 100 Billion). To extend this prediction, I also predict that Europe and even the Middle East will experience their own Sub-Prime/Alt-A/Prime Mortgage crisis. They will not be as deep as the United States, but they will contribute to the problem.

2. Location Based Services will be the next Internet "killer app". The advent of usable, easy to understand location based services will take their place as the next wave in Internet development. The ones that rise to the top will be able to utilize the broadest array of phone handsets; and the winners in this space will exploit specific, singular niches abandoning the "everything portal" concept in use today on phone handsets.

3. This will be the election year that Independent Candidates take their place as equals to the two major parties in the political spectrum. The proliferation of the Internet and the ability to fund raise outside of the major parties will enable several candidates to run for President in the 2008 election that are not the nominee of the Republicans or the Democrats. This will create a much more significant split in the American psyche than Ross Perot could have ever imagined and will set the stage for an Independent win in 2012; if not 2008.....but I'm not going quite that far.

4. We will see the first death on live TV. Going out on a limb here, since I can't believe that reality TV has made it as far as it has in the first place. The velocity and the voracious nature of the genre dictates that this happen in order for it to continue as a viable category on television.

5. China will move from economic partner to economic aggressor, and the US/China trade stance will change forever. We will see China begin to utilize it's incredible global economic clout in a bold and egregious move against the United States economy. While I can not predict what this move will be, It will be counter to the US economic strategy enough to be seen as the first salvo in what can only be a long and difficult economic war.

Okay......I'm out of breath. That should be enough precitin' for now. Hopefully, this time next year if the stars stay in line and I remain healthy Ill review and see how I did.