Thursday, January 31, 2008

Rudy is Out? When did he get started?

So Rudy is out of the race. America's Mayor, Rudy Giuliani dropped out of the race after a dead heat with Ron Paul at 13% of the vote. Rudy spent MONTHS in Florida, clearly at the urging of some radical strategist who must have done some math wrong. Why would such a well funded and clearly focused guy try such a risky strategy (Ignore Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and only focus on Florida and California).

I have only one answer that I can figure out. Rudy was taking a nice Florida vacation on his contributors he never really intended to win. Did he really intend to win by insulting the two most critical states in the Primary process? I mean, think about it? Rudy is tired, he is getting up there in years. I think he just said...."Hey! I spent all that time dreary NY. Ill just run for President and have a free six week vacation in Florida by trying this radical new political move." Strange? I think not. Stupid? I think we are going to have to see the fallout before we give Rudy the political darwinism award.

In his concession speech he looked tanned, and great contrast McCain looked haggard, tired, and not ready for what is to come. So who really won? McCain? Or Rudy? Makes you wonder.

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