Monday, August 11, 2008

iPhone Hell Redux

What a great ending to my iPhone hell story.....

After posting my recent description of the account loop I was in at AT&T, I received a twitter and a call from AT&T.  Seems the right people read my story and they were more than eager to help me with my problem (names spared to avoid any issues since the last guy who helped me at AT&T got fired).  Within days I was able to get my iPhone and account straightened out.  I still dont think I have the "mark" removed from the account since no one said they were doing that.  But I was able to finally cancel the new phone number I got at the launch and thankfully keep the phone number I have been using for years.  

To quote the guys in the AT&T store.  "Wow, I have seen a lot of problems, but I REALLY feel sorry for you."  I guess that says it all.  Problem solved.  Thanks for listening AT&T.  There are some very savvy people on your staff (how often do you hear THAT?).

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