Friday, August 29, 2008

The battle has been joined - No Way, No How, No-Bama!

I just got done watching Barak Obama's speech to the Democratic National Convention.  I am speechless, but I have to admit, I should have seen this coming.  I followed Barak for quite a while on his bid to become the nominee, and even went to a few of his events.  I listened to him quite a bit as he felt his way around trying to develop his platform.  Last night, he let that platform, his thoughts about the future of our nation, and the most importantly the platform of the Democratic National Party out of the bag.

As a true capitalist.  Someone who relies on no-one but myself and the companies I form to make a living.  Im insulted, angry, and disillusioned.  Am I scared?  No way.  Will I fight?  Absolutely, with every last breath and dollar I have.  The Democrats must not be allowed to win this election with this kind of lunacy at the forefront.

We have China, a country with no environmental laws, child labor restrictions, corporate governance, or business rules of any kind nipping at our heels.  America is about to lose her position as the top economy in the world and we have a major party talking about...... Letting everyone off the competitive hook.  Not on my watch Democrats.  You will not redistribute my income, you and your political correctness can just check it all at the door. 

I know that they cant just come right out and say it, but the Democrats would like to see a Socialist America.  Lets just face it!  Not one of the the things said last night had anything to do with restoring America's ability to compete in the global economy.  They have everything to do with creating a government that "does it for you".  A government that will be larger, and one that penalizes independence and success in business.  I have no doubt that income redistribution is part of the plan, but thats just way too insidious to talk about at a national convention, so it is veiled in phrases that reference "giving back', and helping those who cant help themselves.  Honestly, do we really think the Democrats are going to cast a net that just gives out money and help to anyone?  When you listen to Barak, it certainly seems so.

For me the most telling moment came right at the beginning.  When they had the auto worker come out and talk about how George Bush let his friends jobs go overseas.  The sad irony of that being that the CLINTON administration signed NAFTA.  The agreement that sent those jobs overseas.  Now, this guy gets up on national TV and blames George Bush.  Once again though, I should not be surprised, Disinformation is the tool of the Socialist.

At this point Im done giving the Democrats and Barak the benefit of the doubt.  The battle has been joined, and I just enlisted.

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