Friday, September 26, 2008

Our Moment is Here

Here is my position on our current economic situation as a nation, circa 2008.  The relief package currently before Congress is a bailout of the debt underlying the real estate we ALL participated in for years.  It is OUR problem, not some amorphous Wall Street character with a cigar and a Rolls Royce.  We ALL participated in the demise, and we ALL have to clean it up to maintain global economic legitimacy.  

I know.  It sucks, but the damned Buick is gonna get repo-ed if we don't go to the credit counsellor right now!!!  As a country.  We have to own this crisis and put a lid on it immediately.

I run a business and actively trade in the bond and equity markets.  I am a capitalist in the truest sense of the word.  It is one of the only things in my life that I can say I truly personify.  So trust me when I say that I am all for free and open markets.  But lets face it, all this growth?  All these excesses we have seen on every "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous"-like show, that we secretly love to watch and attempt to emulate in our ever so personal ways?  All these things were courtesy of the credit we got drunk on for years.  WE ALL PARTICIPATED IN SOME WAY, and it is incumbent on us to contain, if not fix, this problem.

I like to think I get to see our economy in a very broad view, and I am adamant that without the US government making good on the mess that it's citizenry created, the world will see massive disconnections in inter bank, and more-so inter country credit.  Mostly due to eroding faith in the US Economic system which has long been the hub for the origination of credit and credit instruments.  This impacts EVERYONE, and the effect will be incredibly painful deflation of the value of every US asset available.  We will literally go backwards in time.  Main Street, Wall Street, hide your head in the sand ideo-logue (Republican leadership, shame on you) - street, no one will be spared.  You need credit to buy a car, send your kid to college, buy a house, basically, live your life.  It will be financial stasis, like a financial coma.  Look....its really going to suck if we don't do this.  For everyone.

Please call and urge your Representatives and Senators now and urge them to overcome the ideological gridlock and pass an appropriately sized Economic Relief package immediately!!

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