Saturday, October 04, 2008

Fear of Palin (Someone on the left has "Mom" issues)

I can always tell when the left gets worried about something.  There is an almost immediate influx of stories at the top of Digg (what that says about people "gaming" Digg is something else).  It happens without fail.  It is almost like a sub conscious achilles heel that they can't contain. Their "politically bottled" rage boils over in a subversive flurry of disinformation and snide snipping at small personal defects.

Take Governor Palin's clear victory in the debates on Thursday night.  The next day (and days following) you saw headlines like this:
  • Fox News: Palin Won VP Debate Because She Had A Bigger Flag Pin
  • Palin's Tax Return Mystery:  Where Are The Per Diems?
  • Palin's Web Ad Cites Thumbs Up From 'Famous Person'
  • McCain's Big Gamble Comes Up Snake Eyes
You get the idea.  Every one of these stories slammed the Governor with everything from her manner of dress, to her "mom-like demeanor", to utter tirades aimed at her inexperience.  The anger is arrogant, and smells like pretentiousness.  One of these stories came very close to exposing the Author's own hatred of his mother (and women) in a way that clearly indicated that a Therapist is in his near future.  The amalgam of this din of anger reveals that several small blog sites (Huffington Post, The Daily Kos, ThinkProgress, et al) generate the majority of this buzz.  Anyone who is at all casually involved with Social News knows this.  Yet it seems too coordinated to be done independently.

That said, chalk one up for the Republicans.  They have successfully positioned someone who reflects the values and views of a new emergent voting contingent....The (random kid sportMom.  While it sounds trivial, it is quite extensive.  Moms vote, span race and cultural bounds, and there are a lot of them.  The constant slamming of her by the Digerati only confirms to this large voting block that "Women Have To Endure More Than Men To Get To The Top.".  This ultimately solidifies their position and creates unity.  You know?  The same unity these Digerati-like blogs feel as they rail against the Bush Administration. 

I feel like we have found the first "muck-raking immune" voting strain.  It seems the more you dig up on Palin, the more moms rush to her defense.  It almost feeds on the bad news.  I don't know about you, but I find that beautiful.  The media colors our view of events too often; and too often they are completely unqualified to give us that type of a viewpoint.  Being able to overcome their veil of disinformation is perhaps the most powerful thing I have ever seen.

The Obama Campaign now has a huge issue.  Something completely unexpected, and something that has them unsettled and reeling.  This is perhaps most clearly identified by Mr. Obama's complete lack of reference to Palin in any of his recent speeches (with the exception of a few "small time" jabs off the cuff).  How do you defeat an enemy that can not be skewered publicly?  I say you can't; and it is going to be a wonderful thing to watch how they defend against it.

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