Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Whipsawed...while sitting and waiting.

The markets just dont want to go up. We spent the day trying to make a good showing to no avail. When all was said and done, we ended up almost even (after having gone up almost 70 points on the Dow). We need a catalyst.....but this needs to be more than the average catalyst. We need a good jobs number (even if it is shaky), we need the Fed to do or say something foolish (or at least radical), or, and this would be the best, we need "knock the cover off the ball" earnings reports. Thats what will move this market higher. Without a catalyst, we sit and wait for news....it could be good, or it could be bad.....but it has to be big.

So we sit and wait, watching the TRIN (which at one point yesterday was above 3, the sign of absolute oversold panic), and patiently waiting for the VIX to show us that the market is ready to be bought. I feel like Im watching a condemned man waiting for a last minute reprieve from the governor.

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