Wednesday, March 24, 2004

More staring into the void.....Pre-Market

One of the nice things about a market that is down big and staying down is that you get the opportunity to do homework a little more dilligently. Today Im considering getting into Univision (UVN). Why? Because this network is actually "growing" in the face of the slump in traditional network viewership. Gotta wake up and smell the coffee here. The Latino market is a great place to be when it comes to sheer volume. So this morning, Ill be looking to get a nice price on an opening position, and would like to take this one up to a full load if we get some more market chop over the coming days. I think Ill be happy Im on board here once we start turning north, the price, at 32.50 pretty much erases the last 52 weeks of value that UVN ran up.

Otherwise, I think we will gap the open down and make another run at a solid day (but this time hold it). The ten year (our new tell) actually caught a small bid this morning running the yield down below 7.70. With bonds so range bound I dont expect much today. Ill be looking for the normal NDX breakouts as well just in case.

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