Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Back and Blogging....Looking for the next Gig.

Nice to be back Blogging.

I took a bit of a vacation from blogging as I built my latest company, ReadyTechs (http://www.readytechs.com/). I've recently completed a transaction with my business partner to take control of ReadyTechs so now I am back at the grindstone looking for the next deal. Which, I currently think, is Call Centers.....or more specifically, Digital Contact Centers. A call center format using all forms of digital communications (VOIP, IM, Email, Web) to provide a higher level of contact to users.

If you are a call center owner or operator, please Email me. ethigent is interested in purchasing a tradtional call center to transform into a digital contact center, or partnering with an existing one to develop the technology needed to drive this.

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