Thursday, August 17, 2006

Americans should fight offshore outsourcing

.....and I don't mean by endlessly complaining about politicians or crooked business people.

Why don't we COMPETE? We complain that we are losing thousands of middle and high tier service jobs to offshore concerns and I don't hear anyone tying to fight it! Why? Some say it is because we can NEVER compete with the wages people are willing to work for globally. But that just says that Americans are OVERPRICED! We say that about ourselves when we decide NOT to compete.

The answer is the combination of better, more innovative technology driving call center and BPO organizations combined with the active revitalization of inner city and low income areas. The truth is we can not count on the government to revitalize inner cities and low income areas. It is always the free market. Right now I see the same situation plaguing American inner cities and low income areas that was plaguing towns in India that were mired in the caste system.

It is five years later, and they are transforming while we are arguably getting worse. But that is when the Free Market comes in. There will be a point where offshore economies will begin to expand and their citizens will enjoy an ever increasing standard of living. Which is when the balance of opportunity will shift back American ideas and technology. The time to fight back is coming......I for one am going to be ready.

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