Friday, March 13, 2009

Jon Stewart is a simpleton.

I really wish I could write a blog where a title like that actually caused a sensation. However I can thank the Internet gods for having a place to put my opinion, and hopefully a few of you will connect with my thoughts.

However, excuse me, Jon Stewart is a simpleton.

He dared to sit on his comedy show, and berate Jim Cramer last night (3/11/09), making fun of his sound effects and his market commentary. On his COMEDY show. Jim Cramer, surprisingly, let him walk all over him. Jon Stewart decided direct his collective angst about the financial collapse at CNBC. A news network. Doesn't anyone see the irony of this? A comedy network is blaming a business news network for a systemic, global financial collapse by saying that it's "over-hyping" of the markets are the reason for all this. Thats like the news anchors blaming the weather lady for the rain today. Simpletons, completely self-involved and narcissistic. And dangerous.

Let me try to end this crap right here. I have followed Jim Cramer since April of 2000, so I can say I have some deep background. He has guided me through the markets and given me great entry points to stocks (he sucks, by the way, at exit points). I have learned how to "filter" Jim Cramer enough to understand his market psyche and let that guide me. Jim Cramer is not correct 100% of the time. No one is, however his guidance has allowed me to contain my losses in this morass to roughly 15%. Because I "listen" to him closely and do my homework.

Jon Stewart seems to think the world isn't supposed to "think" when they invest. They aren't supposed to "filter" the world and understand what they are doing. He thinks we blindly listen to CNBC and invest our money according to every dumb pundit they have on. Then he rants that the whole thing isn't fair, and that we shouldn't blame Jim Cramer, but that he is now the face of the crisis. Thanks for the confusion at the end there Jon.

Jon Stewart (and God, I hope you read this) you are a simpleton. Your views last night go beyond the pall. You ARE NOT the media police, and your fart noises and base humor are all you are good for (and I have been a fan for years). I suggest you go back to it, rather than attempt to become the hero of every tanked 401K on he planet. It is a lose/lose situation and you are not equipped to handle it since that angst eventually turns back on you. As it has on Jim.