Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sitting @ at 10 yr old LAX game

Why is it that coaches of young sports find the need to yell at the
players continually? If you have kids in sports you know what Im
talking about .... The constant "get over there John" or "thats your
ball Joey" or "go get that kid" that seems to stream out of their
mouths the second the whistle blows?

I was always taught that you talk at practice and exexute at the
game. Heck it is how I live my life now! I yammer up a storm when we
are talking, but whem it comes time to work, im all business. I think
the reason they scream like that is because they lack the organizational discipline to
know that you teach building blocks of knowledge first and put them
together for games? All I know is that when I hear one, i think
"inexperienced leader = bad for kid's growth".