Thursday, December 18, 2008

Sailing to Fort Lauderdale

More Final Cut Pro madness from my trip around the tip of Florida to Fort Lauderdale. During this trip I was able to watch the Jets beat the Patriots from about 150 miles offshore. It was awesome! Both watching the Jets beat the Pats an actually being in the middle of the Gulf.

Look how bad business is on Key West Bight!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Doesn't this all seem very convenient?

Generally, Im not a conspiracy theorist.  While I find conspiracy interesting to read about in non-fiction, I am mostly reluctant to believe such balderdash BEFORE it has been exposed.  However what is currently happening to the US Financial System, and indeed the Global Financial System is strangely scripted as if someone or something is trying to make us all "think" that financial armageddon is around the corner.

I know, Im going to get email about the Illuminati, and the Carlisle Group et al, but lets just take a look at what is going on.  More financial services/bank failures than ever before.  The brink of insolvency for a mainstay American industry (Autos).  And now we have Bernard Madoff with an actual Ponzi scheme the likes of, and size we have never seen (50 Billion!).  Do you know where the word "Ponzi Scheme" came from?  The Great Depression of the 1930s, when a guy named Ponzi started a pyramid scheme to take money from investors without actually investing their money.  Its like some evil Roxie Rockefeller is trotting actors out onto our screens like some sort of a sick, theatrical version of Atlas Shrugged.  And it is all happening at lightning speed.

Why is this happening so fast and with such sequenced fervor?  It all seems to be going off according to the script and I dont like it one bit.  Any time things seem "perfect" whether good or bad, something is afoot and we need to be wary of it.  Remember, being "wary" sometimes means saying put, instead of panicking out, of assets.  Things are very different now than they were in the 1930s.  The things that worked then (money under the mattress, gold) more than likely will NOT work this time around.