Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Am I The Only One Who Sees This?

The 2008 US Presidential Race is really quite a spectacle.  This year I am finding myself more sympathetic to the Democratic candidates.  Particularly Barak Obama.  I really can't say Im a fan yet, but I like the way he is handling this issue going on with his former minister.  He just keeps letting the old man bloviate, while getting to publicly reject all the nonsense. It makes a clear thinking person like myself like him even more.  I am completely unswayed by the Right's position that he is "guilty by association".  If that were true, every Republican out there would be dammed to hell (wait, maybe it IS true).

That said, I think we all have to look at what is happening in the Democratic party, and realize that we are getting a real preview of what a Democratic administration will look like.  Endless, meaningless debate about minutia.  This while the credit contraction squeezes our economy, our economic enemies strengthen their positions on our wealth, and the social fabric in our society continues to tear.  Ever hear the story of Nero fiddling while Rome burned?  The Democrats embody this notion to me.  Barak is at least showing some skill at "tamping down" the emotional raving lunatics that comprise the far left of the Democratic party.

Really though.  While the Republicans simply say nothing (not acceptable), the Democrats endlessly debate.  Either way we get nothing.  No action, and no real solutions.  DRAFT MIKE BLOOMBERG!!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Leanna in Captiva

After a busy season....leanna returns to her regular cruising grounds
on the west coast of Florida. Here she is in Captiva at her favorite
spot. Tween Waters Marina. Just feet from the Gulf.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Thoreau for breakfast

"Most people live lives of quiet desperation, and die with the song still in their hearts."
-  Henry David Thoreau

I love that quote.  I love it because it inspires me to "let it all out" and reach as high and as far as I can.  Because when the day comes that I look back and wonder if I wasted my life or not, I want to be able to say "not a second".  

Even as I type that, I worry that I haven't lived enough of life today, and I have to remind myself that sleeping in front of the television is just as awesome as running a well managed company.  Do what you have to.....but insist on living life on your terms.  It is the only substance you really have in this world.