Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Devil is Only Three Steps Away

So, I just got back from sailing. I always enjoy going sailing because it creates an environment where I can focus on my boat, the weather around me, and my thoughts. I find that the three combine to create some rather unique insight.

Like this weekend. I was sailing off Fort Lauderdale in 4 foot seas with about 20 Kts of wind. Rough, but bearable. As the conditions started to deteriorate, my jib (the sail that provides forward motion) started to shred and wrap around the shrouds of my mast. This created a loud "ripping" noise as the luff of the Jib (the edge of the sail) started to separate from the line that keeps the jib together. As this situation unfolded, I had to take the boat off the tack I was sailing, and point the nose of the boat into the wind to "luff" the sail and hopefully flip the luff line off the mast. This worked and I was able to get the sail under control enough to continue my heavy wind sailing.

After I got things together, It occurred to me that the answer to most crisis situations is almost always three steps away from the problem. In the case of the physical, my sail, a car accident, et al; the answer is three steps backwards. In the case of the mental (dealing with people and emotions), the answer is three steps forward. For example, in the case of the sail above, solving the problem of my sail being wrapped around my mast required me to backtrack three steps (sail wrapped around mast, following a close haul, as the result of sailing on a close reach) and undo the close reach in order to untangle the sail. Alternatively, when dealing with people and emotional issues, tracking forward three steps provides a sense of goal setting and forward motion. Creating a positive mental disposition to problem solving.

The devil is always three steps away.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Strange...isn't it?

The time we spend trying to protect ourselves from the consequences of
our actions wastes all the time we have to create the actions in the
first place.