Monday, April 23, 2007

Unterminated Media Loops

Ya know? I think like a programmer. I've tried to fight it. Tried to deny the fact that I am interested in how life imiates the way programmers give instructions to processing engines. It is almost as if we are all executing really long instruction sets, endlessly repeating various events and experiences in ever so different ways. These instruction sets are so long that we can't remember where the instruction set began so the events and experiences seem new to us. But they're not.

Think that is a load of hooey?

Consider this theory.......the media is run by people. Just normal people like you and I (even though they seem to think they are something more than that). These normal people are also running thier instruction sets, however once these instruction sets combine, they mutate into an Unterminated Media Loop.

For those non-programmers out there, an Unterminated Loop is a set of instructions that keep repeating over and over and over until all of the system resources are consumed and the server crashes.

An Unterminated Media Loop is the bias that sets up when a certain group of discreet loops join. Now, before you think this is a blog entry on Media Bias...stop. Im not talking about that. Im talking about repretition. For example.....

Has anyone wondered why at the end of every 8 year presidential term (Democrat or Republican) the press is reporting on "A White House Mired in Scandal". I mean, it really wasnt long ago that the Clinton Administration was "mired in scandal". George Bush 1 got a pass...he only got one term. If you re-call, even the venerable Ronald Reagan had his "mired in scandal" couple of months from the Unterminated Media Loop. Im still waiting for the story on how every 8 year term becomes "mired in scandal". If you asked me? I think the media just get bored.....and engineer the whole thing because their loop is getting to repetitious to sell. They need new blood. A new loop.

Global Warming? Can't we just kill that process and bring back the Avian Flu loop?......It does less damage to the economy.
Alberto Gonzales should step down? How about we just do while Sandy Berger shreds documents?

Unterminated Loops....processes in search of a this case a news cycle...but you get my drift....