Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Back After a Year of Nothing


After a full year, Ive come back to continue my markets insight in this blog.

I found it immensely helpful to go back to this blog to see where my trading style has led me, and to see if my predictions were correct. I feel quite vindicated on both fronts. My endless rantings about the incorrectness of the media, and the herd mentality of the markets (both needing to be shunned) seemed to pay off well. Please read the blog posts from last year. Yes there are some dog calls in there, but there are also some great picks.....like KMRT....which at this point, many are saying is the next Berkshire Hathaway.

But that was then and this is now. I dont intend to do the morning/afternoon stuff like I used to. Ill be posting at least twice a week with more macro views on the direction of the most liquid markets in the world......the US equity and bond markets. I also intend to write a bit on the venture capital scene and deals that are getting done that interest me.

See ya in the blogosphere!
